Monthly Archives: December 2012

Chroma and Gris-Gris: Sequenced Monster Monosynth

Ladies, Gentlemen, Exalted Bipeds, may I introduce to you my latest creation, the Chroma and Gris-Gris ensemble:

Chroma is a performance oriented monosequencer and VA carefully tuned for ergonomic ease of use and glitch free operation in standalone and plugin mode. Slur features in Chroma match up with legato and glide features in the Gris-Gris synth to create a slinky sinuous note articulation.

Sequences can be created and controlled via mouse, MIDI, Konkreet Performer, TouchOSC and Lemur. Since there is now full OSC support in the Reaktor plugin version, you can do everything with Chroma in your preferred DAW that you can do stand-alone. A dream come true!

Now, about those Konkreet Performer mappings:

TouchOSC and Lemur templates are included in the package but there’s something special about Konkreet Performer that sets things on fire when it’s paired with Chroma and Gris Gris, a certain magic in the way it morphs and distorts sound. It is my firmly held opinion that not nearly enough people use KP and if you want something really special and unusual on your iPad you should rush right over to  Konkreet Labs or head straight for the App Store and buy a license.

The Gris-Gris synth is easy to program, surprisingly versatile, screams like a bastard and can be played on its own with MIDI input. Check out the effects bank for some wild quasi-modular sounds. A dedicated filter LFO with a morphing shape control and chaos flux knob provide mutating automation. Flux controls are also provided for the mix and filter feedback sections. Want more sounds? Here ya go:

Chroma’s MIDI output can be used to trigger external synths as well, depending on the completeness of the synth’s MIDI implementation. Tested and fully working synths include NI Massive, NI Absynth, U-he Tyrell and Tal Noisemaker. Some synths may work perfectly for note sequences but not for slur and glide.

Here’s the full cheat sheet:chromanotes

Chroma is 24.99 USD temporarily reduced in price to $19.99 and can be purchased and downloaded immediately. Remember, Chroma is a Reaktor ensemble and requires a full installation of Reaktor 5.8.0, not just Reaktor player.

Buy Chroma and Gris-Gris Now Add to Cart

Poly Theremin, Exclusively for Konkreet Performer

Hey gang, did you notice that the Konkreet Performer half price sale is still in effect? Go get it right now. Even if you don’t have an iPad – you can get that later, it’s a good reason to get one. (edit: sale is long gone but the Performer software is still there and it… is… fantastic!)

As a little bonus for Konkreet users, I’ve reskinned and refreshed my theremin ensemble, with some features from the Chroma sequencer.

Here’s what it sounds like:

And here’s what it looks like:

Download here

The onscreen display is just a display – to make some noise, set up Konkreet Performer with three nodes and a ribbon. The three nodes control its three voices, and the ribbon controls beat-repeat and voice panorama.

It’s a lot of fun to play and if you’re ambitious, the structure within is a good introduction to mapping Konkreet parameters to Reaktor voices: node angle from the central node controls pitch, distance from the central node controls vibrato intensity and resonance, and touching and releasing the nodes gates the voices.
