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Frame: A Reaktor Freeform Looper

Frame: A Reaktor Freeform Looper from Peter Dines on Vimeo.

This is a stripped down version of a looper built to work the way the Simpler instrument from Ableton Live loops. That is, you can set an arbitrary loop length and scrub across it in realtime without glitches or clicking.

In this video I’m using the Frame beta in Kore, which allows me to control the loop start and end points much more accurately than your standard 7 bit MIDI controllers. There’s also some saturation and echo on the Frame channel; however, it’s capable of sounding as clean as whatever sample you throw into it.

I have far more complex versions of this but I cut this one down to essentials for two reasons – one, so it would be obvious what I’m talking about when I say freeform looping, and two, so that it will have a clear structure to hot-rod when I release it.