Brent Kallmer comes through again with a fantastic video and tutorial post on combining two Reaktor factory library instruments into a sum that is greater than its parts:
REAKTOR‘s Sound Generators (think Metaphysical Function, Skrewell, and Space Drone) produce complex, evolving walls of sound that need no accompaniment. But perhaps you’ve wondered—given Sound Generators’ inclination to do their own thing—how you would use this strange sonic magic in one of your own, rhythmically minded productions. The answer is offered by our good friend Fast FX. By teaming up Fast FX with one of REAKTOR’s Sound Generators (this time it’s Metaphysical Function), we can create an ambient loop generation machine the likes of which the world has never seen…
Brent is a machine… he just moved house last week and already he’s delivering quality material like this. When you’re done checking this out, explore the rest of Brent’s site which is chock full of valuableReaktor information.