Tag Archives: L3

Taking Reaktor L3 to the Next L3vel

In this video, Brent Kallmer continues his series on digging into Reaktor factory library instruments, this time with the L3 slicer and sequencer.

Reaktor 5 factory ensembles like L3 have been around since 2005 and are still, I think, under-explored and under-utilized. A sign of how forward-looking these instruments were is that they still look and sound fresh 8 years later and remain ripe for exploitation.

Brent says:

While loop slicing is nothing new, L3 remains a gem on the basis of the results it produces and the elegance and simplicity with which it produces them. Of course, this is not to say that L3 didn’t scare me off for longer than I care to admit.

Let Brent be your guide into the jungle of L3. More here